You can download the Kindle version of my book by going to Amazon HERE!
You can collect the paperback version of my book by going to Amazon HERE!
Nerves and worries holding you back?
Suffering from panic attacks?
Would you like to be able to relax, be calm, and at peace?
In this remarkable book Gary Turner reveals the simple steps of his Anxiety Clearing Technique (ACT) to help you easily overcome nerves, worry, anxiety and stress.
He will guide you through a series of simple, yet powerful techniques to recondition your mind and effortlessly let go of anxiety and stress so you are free to live life to the full."
No Worries - Living free from anxiety
This is a one day workshop that will teach you how to alleviate and remove your anxiety for good.
This workshop is designed for those suffering from stress, anxiety, nerves and worry, and for those who want to understand the subject better.
You will learn how to banish stress, anxiety, nerves and worry and regain control. In this interactive workshop I will take you through my Anxiety Clearing Technique, working on a practical level, giving you the understanding and the application to allow you to be back in control and living life how you want to.
I regularly organise these workshops myself to targeted audiences, yet, should you be interested in hosting me for your group please contact me on 07879 624646 or via Costs depend on location and number of persons.No Worries - Working free from stress
This is a tailored workshop/series of workshops working with businesses to help alleviate stress in the workplace.This is a verion of the workshop above yet tailored fully to the corporate world. Should you wish to invest in your staff please contact me on 07879 624646 or via Costs depend on location and number of persons.
Delivering my 'No Worries' workshop